Government Affairs

Government Affairs serves as the primary liaison between the Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons, the College of Dental Medicine, the Mailman School of Public Health, and the School of Nursing before the federal, state, and local governments and keeps deans, faculty, students and departmental administrators abreast of legislative and regulatory developments impacting their respective fields. The office advocates for and represents the Medical Center's interests on matters before the legislature, and represents the Medical Center in various professional organizations to promote and advance its mission. Government Affairs also maintains relations with elected officials and key stakeholders to emphasize the values and contributions that CUIMC brings to our neighbors, city, state, national, and international communities.
New ethics rules on the federal, state, and city level govern lobbying activity and the responsibility thereof, so it is important that the Office be made aware of any lobbying or other advocacy activity. Be advised that failure to properly report lobbying activities can result in sanctions against the University and the person failing to report. For more information, please visit the Columbia University Policy on Partisan Political Activity, and the Policy Governing Lobbying Activities which may also be viewed here in the Admnistrative Policy Library.
Please contact us if you plan or would like to engage elected officials or other senior policy officials.
View a list of elected officials representing Upper Manhattan.