Guidelines for Non-Affiliated Groups Use of CUIMC Space

When submitting a space use request, please keep the following considerations in mind: Organizations desiring to use the facilities must be a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and must adhere to University policies and procedures relating to space use. 

  • All requests for space must be made at least 4 weeks in advance. 
  • While spaces are available free of charge, ancillary charges may apply. 
  • Requests are subject to availability. 

The space use policy only applies to space managed immediately by the CUIMC campus.  

If you are interested in using our space, please review the Space Use FAQ first, then complete our space use request form. Please direct all questions to

We thank you in advance for your cooperation and compliance with the CUIMC space use policy. 

Space Use FAQ


  • Only bona-fide not-for-profit corporations and government entities are eligible to use space under this policy. 

  • For-profit corporations and individuals may not reserve space under this policy; however non-incorporated groups may use space provided they work through a fiscal intermediary who is a bona-fide not-for-profit and who is willing to assume responsibility and abide by the regulations laid out in this policy. 

  • The requesting group or the event itself must have a specific or special connection to the Northern Manhattan area of New York City. Simply having members who reside in Northern Manhattan or discussing an issue which affects local residents in a similar manner as it affects non-residents will not suffice. 


  • This policy applies only to space managed by the CUIMC Office of Classroom Management on the Washington Heights campus. 

  • This policy does not apply to space managed by NewYork-Presbyterian, the New York State Psychiatric Institute, nor the City of New York. It also does not apply to any CUIMC facility outside the immediate vicinity of the Washington Heights campus, nor to the Columbia University Morningside Campus, the Baker Field Athletics complex, the Manhattanville campus, or any other University property. OACP may be able to provide contact information regarding the use of such spaces but cannot make reservations or inquiries on your behalf. 

Request for Space

  • All requests for space must be made at least four weeks in advance of the planned event date by submitting the space request form. 

  • Requests submitted fewer than four weeks prior to the event date will not be considered unless an exception is made by the Vice President (VP) of Community Affairs and Partnership Engagement. 

  • While space may be requested farther in advance than four weeks, under no circumstances can space be reserved ahead of the date the room becomes available in the classroom management system. 

  • CUIMC reserves the right to reject the application for any event which it feels, in its complete and sole discretion, is contrary to its goals and missions. 

  • If space is available, a member of the OACP staff will inform you as soon as possible. If space is not available, you may ask about space on different dates or that meet different criteria. 

Notification and Advertising of the Event

  • Upon request, applicant must submit all notifications and advertising material for review by OACP. OACP may ask the applicant to make certain edits or reject the notification if, in its sole discretion, it feels that the material is not appropriate for an event occurring on the CUIMC campus. 

  • Applicant may not use the University logo or other branding material or imply in any way that the University is hosting or endorsing the event, unless permission is granted to do so by an appropriate University office or department. 

Time and Location of Space

  • Applicant may only use the space for the time requested and approved. Please plan your requests accordingly and allow sufficient time for set up, breakdown, and clean-up. 

  • At least one member of the Applicant’s staff must arrive one hour ahead of the time the event is called for publicly (the start time appearing on promotional materials); however, this person may not enter the space early nor stay past your allotted reserved time even if the room is free before and/or after your event. 

  • The earliest any CUIMC space would be available is 7am and all space use must be completed by 10pm. Most space is available on weekends but may be limited during University holidays. 

  • Furthermore, applicants are limited to the use of the space requested and immediate surrounding public areas. Neither applicants nor their guests may use other space, even if not in use. While applicants and their guests may use the public areas around their allotted space in a reasonable manner, said space shall continue to be made available to the public and is not for the exclusive use of the applicant nor its guests. 


While CUIMC is happy to make space available to local community groups and government entities, the primary purpose of the space is to allow CUIMC to carry out its academic mission. Often times, classrooms and auditoriums may be reserved far in advance by CUIMC faculty and staff in order to serve such purposes, and such requests take priority. 

Ancillary Services

While the use of the space can be free, applicants must cover the costs of all ancillary services. These include, but are not limited to, catering, parking, audio visual, fire safety, security, and facilities (e.g., custodial, room set up/break down, etc.). OACP staff will obtain a price quote. Cancellation of an event may still result in the applicant having to pay some or all the costs depending on how much notice of the cancellation is given. Payments must be made in advance. Please remember that for certain locations on campus there may be a space usage fee. 


  • Certain spaces on the CUIMC campus are exclusively catered by the Donald F. Tapley Faculty Club. In such spaces applicant may not use a different caterer nor bring in outside food. 

Audio Visual Services

Most, but not all, CUIMC facilities are equipped with audio visual capabilities, but use must be arranged for in advance. When making a space request please be specific as to what audio visual needs you anticipate. This may incur additional charges. CUIMC has tech support available during normal academic hours only. Off hours support can be made available for an additional cost. 

List of Attendees

Except in cases where confidentiality is required by law or in order to maintain the applicant’s mission, the applicant shall maintain a list of all those who attended the applicant’s event and shall make that list available to CUIMC upon request. Applicant shall maintain the list for at least one year from the time of the event. 


All CUIMC facilities are equipped with free WIFI. Please search for and log into the “Guest-Net” network. Guests must agree to comply with all terms of usage. 

Security and Facilities Charges

  • After receiving a request for space, the OACP staff, in consultation with the appropriate offices, will determine the security, fire safety, and facilities costs for the event. Applicant must agree to pay these costs in order to use the space requested. The amount of these costs are set by CUIMC and are not subject to negotiation. Furthermore, if at any time prior to the event taking place or during the event, CUIMC believes that proposed event presents a public safety challenge, concern, or threat, CUIMC reserves the right to cancel the event. 

  • Upon request, applicant shall provide CUIMC an RSVP list and best estimate for how many people the applicant expects to attend. This information should be updated as needed. 

  • If the event is part of a larger conference or series of events, applicant most inform CUIMC of this even if the other events are not held at CUIMC. Applicant must inform CUIMC of any security incident or other abnormal occurrence that may have occurred at one of the other events. Likewise, if the applicant has held this type of event at another location in the past, applicant shall inform CUIMC of this and provide CUIMC with previous locations, dates, and contact information for the managers of the other locations. Applicant shall inform CUIMC if there had been a security incident or other abnormal occurrence that has happened at this type of event any time in the past five years. 

  • If the applicant plans to use outside security, applicant must inform CUIMC in advance. This includes law enforcement. Furthermore, if the applicant expects that an elected official or other individual who normally travels with security or law enforcement protection will attend the event, applicant must inform CUIMC in advance. Please be aware, that with certain limited exceptions, firearms of any sort, are not allowed on university property. 

  • If an emergency arises during the event and 911 is called, a member of the applicant’s staff must inform Columbia University Public Safety immediately. CUPS can be reached at 212-305-7979. 

Fire Safety

  • Each Public Assembly space at CUIMC has a maximum number of persons allowed. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that these limits are not exceeded. In the event that at any time the number of individuals (including the applicant’s staff, CUIMC staff and any others in addition to guests) in the room exceed the legal limit of the space, the event will be shut down immediately, and attendees will be asked to leave. The event may resume once the number of people in the room is below the legal limit. 

  • Each building has an interior Fire Alarm system. For everyone’s safety and to avoid unnecessary alarms by FDNY, the use of open flames such as candles and burning incense is prohibited. Furthermore, only the Faculty Club may use sterno flames or other heating devices. 


As a condition of using CUIMC facilities, the applicant must agree to hold harmless the Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York, its trustees, officers, agents, employees, and independent contractors working under its control and direction from and against any actions, suits, proceedings, demands, claims, liabilities, losses, judgments, damages, costs and expenses (including actual attorney’s fees) arising out of or incident to, directly or indirectly the use of CUIMC facilities, except for bodily injury or property damage due to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of CUIMC. Applicant must maintain sufficient liability insurance and show proof of coverage upon request. 

Patient Privacy

Neither applicant nor its employees or guests may enter patient care areas unless otherwise authorized. 

Personal or Physical Property

CUIMC will not be responsible nor liable for any loss, theft, or damage to any personal property of the organization nor of any of its employees, agents, vendors, or guests. Furthermore, CUIMC will hold applicant responsible for any physical damages to CUIMC’s real or personal property in excess of the normal standards of wear and tear caused by the applicant, its employees, agents, vendors, or guests during (or immediately before or after) an event. 

Political Activity

The use of CUIMC facilities under this policy for partisan political events or for political fundraising is strictly forbidden. Please see Columbia University’s policy on political activity for further guidance

Revenue Generating

If the applicant intends to charge admission for entry to the event or generate revenue in any form, applicant shall let CUIMC know said information in advance. All revenue generated at the event shall be for the benefit of the applicant and not any third party. All tickets must be sold in advance. No on-site cash sales are permitted. 

Inviting the Media

If the applicant intends to invite media or expect media to attend, the applicant must inform the OACP staff ahead of time. If the applicant expects the event to be recorded, the applicant must make an announcement or display a sign stating that the event is being recorded and that by attending guests consent to being recorded. 

Responsible for Guest Activities

Applicant shall be responsible for the behavior of its employees, agents, vendors, and guests, and shall take steps to ensure that everybody attending the event conforms with all CUIMC rules and regulations, and to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Applicant will also ensure that the event is in compliance with any additional rules or regulations to which it is subject. 

Cleanliness and Order

Applicant shall ensure that the space is left in a clean and orderly condition, and that any furniture or other item that has been rearranged is returned to its original position. Applicant shall also be responsible for ensuring the common areas in the general area around the assigned space be left clean and orderly as well. CUIMC reserves the right to assess a facilities cleaning fee should the facilities not be cleared or returned in broom clean conditions. 

Failure to Comply

Failure to comply with any of the provisions laid out in this policy can result in the cancelation of applicant’s event. OACP may also, in its sole and complete discretion, determine that applicant will no longer be able to use CUIMC space for a set period of time or may impose additional conditions for use of CUIMC space.